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Frisian ryebread photo: ©️Nel Brouwer-van den Bergh

Frysian Ryebread

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 18 hours
Total Time 18 hours 10 minutes
Course Breakfast, Lunch
Cuisine North European
Servings 10



  • 1 lb 12 oz (800 g) (organic) cracked rye
  • 0.56 oz (16 g) salt
  • 2 pints (1000 g) boiling water
  • 1.8 oz (50 g) ground dark rye flour
  • 1.8 oz (50 g) whole wheat flour
  • preferably a glass loaf ‘pan’


  • Place 800 g cracked rye and the salt in an ordinary pan or heat resistant plastic container
  • Bring the water to the boil and add it boiling hot to the cracked rye and mix. Immediately after mixing the temperature is around 66 C
  • Mix more, cover and place it in an insulated box or wrap the pan with a thick towel or blanket. Let the mixture sit for 7 h, after which it will be noticeable that the mixture has become pretty sticky and flavorful. Then add the rye/wheat flour mixture, mix and form a loaf. The whole mixture is now pretty sticky
  • Coat the loaf pan with vegetable oil and loosely dust with rolled oats or wheat germ
  • Transfer the loaf shaped dough to the glass loaf pan and push the dough in the form tight and make the surface flat
  • Cover the loaf pan with a lid or aluminum foil, but do not close hermetically. Place in the oven at 95-100 C in the presence of a bowl with water (to keep the oven moist)
  • After 18 h (!) take the loaf pan out and let is cool down for a few hours
  • Release the loaf carefully not to break it. To this purpose you can cut with a paring knife between the bread and the form, then place a cutting board on top of the form and turn it upside down. The bread will now release and positioned on the cutting board. Let it entirely cool down, loosely covered
  • 9. After the loaf has completely cooled down, slice with a wet knife in thin, 0.16 inch (0.4 cm) slices


Method: oven baking
Food allergy & intolerance information: gluten