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Oven-baking Ovens are used to dry fry or grill, especially very effectively at higher temperatures. Ovens also can apply conditions [...]
Braising Braising combines two cooking methods. Usually first pan searing or surface browning in some fat, followed by a long [...]
Au bain marie cooking
When you prepare delicate food: use au bain marie cooking. Also for food that can easily overcook or disintegrate, we [...]
Microwaving as technique Microwaving is an effective way to defrost and to re-heat food. Microwave ovens apply a long wavelength [...]
Latest posts
Cannoli from Sicily
Cannoli from Sicily are cone-shaped waffles, that are filled with sweetened ricotta cheese. Making this dessert, requires time and also a good timing, as the waffles cannot tolerate long exposure to humidity or they [...]
Seafood Paella
Seafood paella is a wonderful Spanish dish. It can also serve as an entertaining activity for your guests. Prepare it on a barbeque or on an open fire in a park or in the [...]
Warm smoked mackerel from the smoker
Warm smoked mackerel is best if you can self smoke it. Warm smoked mackerel while slightly cured, is delicately cooked with a wonderful smoky aroma. It can be eaten for dinner or mixed with [...]