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Stir-frying People in China and South East Asia are stir-frying a lot and use for this a bowl-shaped thin steel [...]
Pan-frying versus sauteing and searing,
Pan-frying versus Sauteing and Searing Pan-frying, sauteing and searing all happen in a pan or skillet, usually 3-6 times as [...]
Deep-frying Deep-frying is cooking in hot oil at temperatures beyond 100 C, the boiling temperature of water. Oil itself is [...]
Dry-frying Dry-frying uses infrared radiation and hot air. It comprises the use of an oven, grill or an air fryer. [...]
Latest posts
Caramelized Fig and Orange Salad
Caramelized fig and orange salad is one of those special salads that pair excellently with spicy food. The partially caramelized juices of the figs and orange are mixed with lemon juice and some anise [...]
Tarte Tatin apple pie: the French way
Tarte Tatin apple pie was born when the sisters who ran the Tatin restaurant in France one evening had forgotten to make any desert. They took a cast iron skillet, put butter, apples and [...]
Sugar cured mackerel
Sugar cured mackerel is prepared in a somewhat similar way as gravad laks. This is the century old tradition in Scandinavia to bury a fresh, gutted salmon with salt, sugary berries and herbs. We [...]