Welcome to wilfriedscooking.com with a lot of delicious recipes2024-03-13T15:48:28+08:00

Chef Wilfried:

Chef Wilfried: For most of us, a meal is possibly the best break we can wish for in our daily routines. Specially when we can enjoy it in the company of others.

Winter & Festive recipes

Pasta with grated truffle

Pasta with grated truffle is a delicious dish for when time is scarce.  Some of us love to spend time in the kitchen to make all those lovely dishes. But this delicious pasta dish is great for a cook with little time on hand. It [...]

Poached, then grilled, juicy turkey with gravy and stuffing

Poached and grilled turkey is perhaps not so familiar, but for many people, turkey is associated with the traditional US Thanksgiving dinner on the fourth Thursday of November. In Canada, where temperatures drop earlier, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October. In both [...]

Puff pastry

Puff pastry is available in many grocery stores from the freezer section. This commercial pastry often contains palmfat or margarine and may contain even some transfats. All this to make the puff pastry cheaper to produce and provide a longer shelf life. But a dessert [...]

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