Banana blossom salad
Wilfried Brouwer2021-01-02T14:01:07+08:009 June 2019|Recipes, Salads, Vegetarian|
Banana blossom salad is using the flower of the banana tree and is popular in whole of South [...]
Pan-fried buns with snow vegetables
Wilfried Brouwer2021-01-02T14:02:43+08:009 June 2019|Dough, Pasta & Bread, Recipes, Vegetables & Legumes, Vegetarian|
It was in the coastal province of Zhejiang in China that these pan-fried buns with snow vegetables appealed [...]
Vegetable broth
Wilfried Brouwer2021-01-02T14:06:24+08:0022 May 2019|Broth & Soup, Food base essentials, Recipes, Vegetarian|
Vegetable broth you can of course make from a broth cube. If you do not have much time, [...]
Italian seafood soup from the Big Apple
Wilfried Brouwer2021-01-02T14:09:56+08:0022 May 2019|Broth & Soup, Fish, Late Summer and Fall, Recipes|
I really love this seafood soup, and I will be demanding on finding the key ingredients. Vital for [...]
Marinated eggplant with toasted sesame
Wilfried Brouwer2021-01-02T14:12:10+08:0022 May 2019|Late Summer and Fall, Recipes, Vegetables & Legumes, Vegetarian|
There are many ways to prepare eggplant dishes. You can roast or grill the eggplant and collect the [...]
Tabbouleh, middle eastern parsley and herb salad
Wilfried Brouwer2021-01-02T14:14:22+08:0022 May 2019|Late Summer and Fall, Salads, Vegetarian|
Tabbouleh is a common green parsley salad widely available in the Middle East. The origin is thought to [...]
Chef Wilfried:
Winter & Festive recipes
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