Whole wheat rye sourdough bread with figs and hazelnuts

By |2024-02-26T16:59:20+08:0026 July 2021|Categories: Dough, Pasta & Bread, Recipes, Vegetarian|Tags: , , |

This whole wheat rye sourdough bread with hazelnuts and figs is delicious.  Using a sourdough starter enables you to play around with the level of [...]

Sourdough multi-grain and seed bread

By |2024-02-26T18:50:22+08:007 March 2021|Categories: Dough, Pasta & Bread, Recipes, Vegetarian|Tags: , , , |

Sourdough multi-grain and seed bread is our high hydration sourdough version of our multi-grain and seed bread.  It provides fibers, whole nuts and seeds and [...]

Sourdough barm for high hydration breads

By |2024-02-26T19:03:10+08:0028 February 2021|Categories: Dough, Pasta & Bread, Food base essentials, Recipes, Vegetarian|Tags: , , |

Sourdough barm for high hydration breads is the basic mother starter or 'chef' used by high hydration sourdough bakers. The hydration refers to the weight [...]

Forest fruit burger

By |2021-01-01T13:43:29+08:0016 October 2020|Categories: Desserts, Dough, Pasta & Bread, Recipes, Spring and Early Summer, Vegetarian|Tags: , , , , , |

We named a dessert of red forest fruit served on a specially baked bun a forest fruit burger.  As burgers are usually more associated with [...]

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